Cool Poses To Fight The Heat This Summer

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Cool Poses To Fight The Heat This Summer

By Rishikul Yogshala

July 15, 2024

Cool Down This Summer with Yoga Poses

As summer heats up, finding ways to stay cool becomes a priority. Yoga offers several poses that can help you beat the heat. Here are some effective poses to help you stay cool this summer:

Sitali Breath

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The Sanskrit word “Sitali” means “cooling.” This breathing technique offers an immediate cooling effect. To practice Sitali breath:

  1. Position: Sit comfortably with a tall spine.
  2. Inhale: Stick out your tongue, rolling the outer edges together to resemble a hot dog bun. Breathe in through the tube of your tongue for a count of three.
  3. Hold: Retain your breath for a moment.
  4. Exhale: Draw your tongue back into your mouth, close your lips, and exhale smoothly through your nose for a count of three.

Repeat this process for a minimum of 10 rounds, aiming for around 50 breaths for a complete cooling effect.

Savasana – Corpse Pose

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Savasana is perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation, especially on hot days. Here’s how to enhance your experience:

  1. Preparation: Place a cooled face towel or washcloth over your head. Optionally, add some eucalyptus oil to the cloth.
  2. Position: Lie down on your back on a mat, ensuring comfort. Keep your toes turned out, arms at your sides with palms facing up, and close your eyes.
  3. Relaxation: Relax your jaw, eyes, and forehead. Let go of all thoughts, allowing your mind to be as tranquil as a fish swimming in a lake.
  4. Duration: Remain in this position for 10 to 20 minutes. Soft music can enhance your relaxation.

Gradually come out of the pose and stay cool for the rest of the day.

Sun Breaths

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The “Surya Namaskar” or “Sun Salutation” generates heat in the body. Use the Sun Breath to calm your mind without creating excess sweat:

  1. Position: Start in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).
  2. Inhale: Raise your hands over your head, palms together in prayer.
  3. Exhale: Lower your hands back down, folding over your legs.
  4. Inhale: Lengthen your spine and lift halfway.
  5. Exhale: Fold back down.
  6. Inhale: Rise up, extending your hands to the sides and finding a prayer position overhead.
  7. Return: Go back to Tadasana with hands by your sides.

Repeat this sequence five times.

For detailed guidance on these asanas and more, explore our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, and 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training in India.


Incorporating these yoga poses into your summer routine can provide relief from the heat and promote overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to cool down with the Sitali Breath, relax deeply with Savasana, or calm your mind with Sun Breaths, these practices offer effective ways to stay refreshed. For more comprehensive training and exploration of yoga techniques, consider our Ayurveda Retreat in India or Yoga Retreat in India. Explore our homepage for additional resources and offerings.

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