High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a growing health concern today. If not checked on time, it can lead to serious conditions like heart disease, stroke, and also kidney failure. While medication is good to help manage blood pressure, lifestyle changes—especially stress reduction and physical activity—play a very crucial and important role in long-term control.
Yoga as a practice, with its combination of movement, breathing exercises, and meditation, has proven to be a very effective natural remedy for hypertension. Today, we will talk about how yoga and its poses can help lower blood pressure and also maintain heart health. Yes, let us start the journey of yoga for high blood pressure.
Understanding Hypertension and How Yoga Helps
Hypertension is a medical condition where the force of blood against the walls of your arteries is consistently too high, and yoga can help manage it by reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and balancing the autonomic nervous system. This can lead to the lowering of blood pressure levels through the practice of deep breathing exercises and also specific postures!
How Does Yoga Help With Hypertension?
- Stress reduction: Yoga focuses on relaxation and deep breathing techniques like pranayama. This can decrease stress hormones, which in the end contribute to a rise in blood pressure.
- Autonomic Nervous System Balance: Yoga as a practice can balance the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, leading to a calmer state of mind and lower blood pressure.
- Improved Blood Flow: Yoga postures, like forward bends and inversions, can improve blood circulation throughout the body.
- Mind-Body Connection: By focusing on the present moment through yoga, individuals can become aware of their physical sensations and also better manage stress triggers
Best Yoga Poses for Hypertension
1. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
Known as the corpse pose, this asana involves lying on your back and closing your hands. Here one needs to relax their breathing while thinking about peaceful thoughts.
- Relaxes the body and mind
- Lowers blood pressure
- Helps body restrict problems in the internal systems

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana
It is the best yoga pose to control blood pressure. Also popular as the downward-facing dog pose, this asana involves a person lying down with all limbs touching the ground and also slowly lifting the hip as far as possible.
- It releases stress
- Enhances the functioning of the cardiac system
3. Setu Bandhasana
Known as bridge pose, this involves a person lying on his back with all his limbs touching the ground. Then a person should slowly lift their hip as far as possible.
- This pose increases the blood flow by elevating the heart and bringing down the blood pressure. It is great for controlling blood pressure.

4. Viparita Karni
Also known as the legs up the wall pose, this pose involves a person lying on his back with his limbs touching the ground. Then a person should lift their legs and toes as high as possible along with their hips while keeping them as straight as possible.
- It elevates the heart, which increases blood flow and reduces blood pressure.
5. Uttanasana
Also known as the forward bent pose, this asana simply involves bending down with your fingers, touching your toes, and your knees straight.
- It helps the blood reach the head and also improves circulation, which brings down blood pressure.

Yoga Poses To Avoid When Hypertension
1. Headstand (Sirsasana)
This very pose increases blood flow to the head and may lead to an increase in blood pressure. Those who have hypertension should not put their head below their heart for an extended period.
2. Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana)
This pose can raise blood pressure due to inversions. If the pose is attempted, then it should be done under the guidance of an experienced instructor with modifications!
3. Plow pose (Halasana)
Plow pose can affect blood pressure. It also compresses the neck and throat area, leading to an increased pressure. Those who have high blood pressure should approach this pose very cautiously.
4. Chakrasana or wheel pose (Urdhva dhanurasana)
This is a deep backbend that can be quite intense. Thus, it may lead to high blood pressure.
5. Extended triangle pose (Utthita trikonasana)
This pose has a deep stretch. For those who have hypertension, they should avoid this pose as it will lead to excessive strain and increase blood pressure.
6. Camel pose (Ustrasana)
This pose, again, can be very intense and may elevate blood pressure. One should use modifications such as props.
Pranayama (Breathing Exercises) for Blood Pressure
Patients who have high blood pressure should check in with a medical professional to get a proper diagnosis. Once done that, only then they start with practices like pranayama.
1. Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath)
This breathing exercise is also known as humming bee breath because of the humming sound we make when practicing sounds like the buzzing of a bee. This creates internal vibrations; this pranayama deeply unwinds the body and the brain. It also helps to lower blood pressure and ease tension and anxiety.
Steps to perform
- Sit in a meditation position in a peaceful location
- Put your index fingers on the tragus
- Breathe in through the nose
- Close your ears, slightly tuck in your chin, and exhale while creating a hmmm.
- Repeat this for 5 to 7 minutes.
Read More – Top 5 Health Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama
2. Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
This is a purifying pranayama breathing technique. Deep breathing in this pranayama enhances blood throughout the body, allowing the muscles, heart, and other organs to work best. This breathing exercise strengthens the lungs and restores the nervous system.
Steps to perform
- Sit comfortably for meditation
- Put your left hand in the gyan mudra position on your thigh
- One should fold the index and middle fingers and place the thumb on the right nostril
- Breathe in through your right nostril while closing your left nostril with your ring finger
- One should inhale while keeping the left nostril open and keeping the right nostril closed with the thumb.

3. Chandra Bhedana Pranayama (Left Nostril Breathing)
During the pranayama, air is taken in through the left nostril and exhaled through the right nostril. This is a type of uni-nasal breathing in which inhaling and exhaling are restricted to the left and right nostrils. This cools down the body
Steps to perform
- Sit comfortably for meditation
- Put your left hand in the gyan mudra position on your thigh
- Then fold the index and middle fingers while placing the thumb on the right nostril.
- Close your right nostril with your thumb and breathe in through your left.
4. Sitali Pranayama (Cooling Breath)
Sitali pranayama is another breathing technique helpful in lowering tension and anxiety and promoting a calm and tranquil mind.
Steps to perform
- Sit in a comfortable position for meditation
- Make an O shape with your mouth
- Keep your tongue curved at the sides and slightly extending from your mouth.
- Inhale deeply
- Then exhale slowly through your nose while keeping your lips closed and tongue within
Which Pranayama Are Not Good for High Blood Pressure?
Yes, pranayama is safe to practice, but certain types should be avoided, especially if you have high blood pressure. Pranayama, which has a high rate of breathing, is not a good option for high blood pressure.
Breathing techniques like Kapalbhati and Bhastrika pranayama are not safe for high blood pressure because in these pranayamas, exhalations are short and rapid. This implies more carbon dioxide being released from the body, which results in more oxygen in the system. This can narrow the blood vessels and decrease blood circulation!
So, if you’re someone with high blood pressure, then you must practice Kapalbhati under the supervision of a trained yoga teacher. Bhastrika pranayama also should be practiced under a yoga teacher’s guidance!
There are many yoga poses that one can do if they have hypertension, and these will help to lower blood pressure. If you’re someone who wants to deepen their yogic practice, then you can avail our 200 hour yoga teacher training in kerala and 300 hour yoga teacher training in Kerala at Rishikul Yogshala Kerala. We are a very popular yoga school in Kerala that will help you master the yogic journey and become a yoga professional.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Can yoga help reduce high blood pressure?
Yes! Yoga can help reduce high blood pressure when practiced correctly. Regular yoga practice, including gentle poses, breath control, and meditation, can promote relaxation, improve circulation, and reduce stress.
Yoga for low blood pressure: Is It Good?
Yoga can be beneficial for low blood pressure when practiced mindfully. Low blood pressure causes dizziness, fatigue, and fainting, which can be handled with regular practice of yoga!