Yoga Teacher Training and Education

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11 Tips To Make Your Yoga Teaching Smooth Like A Vinyasa Flow

11 Tips To Make Your Yoga Teaching Smooth Like A Vinyasa Flow

Is It Hard to Be a Yoga Teacher? It is enjoyable to be a student and focus solely on yourself while following a teacher's instructions. But does the experience look the same from the other side? Certainly not. As a teacher, whether in yoga or another field, you are...

5 Ways to Win a Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship

5 Ways to Win a Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship

How to Apply Successfully for Scholarship Yoga Programs in India "It’s not your history but your presence on your mat that matters."— K. Pattabhi Jois If yoga is a passion in your heart, don't let financial constraints hold you back from experiencing its magnificence....

How to Choose The Best Yoga Alliance School in India

How to Choose The Best Yoga Alliance School in India

Steps to Choose the Best Yoga Alliance School in India Yoga Alliance Certification This certification determines the credibility of your yoga education. Yoga Alliance certification is essential for making a professional career in yoga. It signifies that you are...

Hatha Yoga: A Guide to Unlocking Your Inner Strength

Hatha Yoga: A Guide to Unlocking Your Inner Strength

Yoga: A Timeless Practice for Modern Well-being "Hatha Yoga is not a forgotten ancient practice, but rather a valuable inheritance of the present. It is a necessary component of our well-being today and an essential part of the culture of tomorrow." — Swami Satyananda...

Things to Know While Choosing a Yoga Teacher Training in India

Things to Know While Choosing a Yoga Teacher Training in India

How to Choose the Best Yoga Teacher Training in India So, you’ve decided to embark on a soul-enriching, heartwarming yoga teacher training experience in the majestic land of India? That’s wonderful! The next crucial step is finding the right place to make this...

How to Choose the Best Yoga Teacher Training in India

How to Choose the Best Yoga Teacher Training in India

Begin  the journey of yoga is a cherished dream for many yoga aspirants. Numerous individuals travel to India, the land of yoga, to discover and unravel the mystical dimensions of yoga and spirituality. Some are yoga amateurs seeking holistic yoga education to become...

What is the Best Yoga Instructor Certification for You?

What is the Best Yoga Instructor Certification for You?

Choosing the Right Yoga Teacher Training Program: A Comprehensive Guide Becoming a Yoga Instructor may seem straightforward, but truly excelling in this field requires exploration, consistency, discipline, patience, and generosity. Whether you are a beginner or a...

Lessons You Can Learn Beyond Your Yoga Teacher Training

Lessons You Can Learn Beyond Your Yoga Teacher Training

The Yoga Teacher Training Experience Training as a yoga instructor is an eye-opening experience. It's a domain like no other. Yoga is more than just a practice; it's a medium that transcends us to look at the bigger reality of the world and the truth of our existence....

Top 7 Health Benefits of Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose)

Top 7 Health Benefits of Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose)

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose): Benefits and Variations Uttanasana, or the Standing Forward Bend Pose, is a fundamental asana in the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) sequence. It is designed to warm and loosen the body, preparing it for more advanced yoga...

Which Yoga Teacher Training is Best in India?

Which Yoga Teacher Training is Best in India?

Choosing the Right Yoga Teacher Training Program in India With yoga teacher training in high demand, selecting the right program can be a challenging task. How do you determine which YTT course will set you on the path to a successful future? Where in India should you...

Things to ask from your students

Things to ask from your students

How Yoga Students Can Enhance Your Teaching Journey One of the core motivations for becoming a yoga teacher is a commitment to spreading the wisdom of this ancient practice. While students greatly benefit from the guidance of their teachers, teachers often overlook...

Receiving The TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence 2018

Receiving The TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence 2018

A Prized Achievement We are delighted to share the thrilling news that Rishikul Yogshala has once again received the esteemed 2018 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence. After achieving 2nd position among the 11 lessons and workshops and 3rd among the 63 wellness and...

5 Most Important Things You will learn during Yoga Teacher Training

5 Most Important Things You will learn during Yoga Teacher Training

The Essential Lessons of Yoga Teacher Training Aren't we all learners and contributors? Isn't this world a classroom, where we remain students throughout our lives? The quest for a better life continues, especially as we become more aware of the significance of Yoga....