Best 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India - Kerala
Certified Yoga Instructor Path

Best 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India

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Are you inspired by the beauty of Yoga and want to make it your lifestyle?

Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program in India can make it happen! At Rishikul Yogshala, we offer beginners an extensive 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in India. It provides training in multi-style yoga, with Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga as primary domains. Our yoga institution delivers well-rounded yoga education guided by expert trainers who focus on giving individual attention to students to enrich their learning. They will help you master proper techniques, alignment, and modifications to build a strong foundation and enhance your yoga practice.

We understand that aspirants have different levels, some are bound by time and some are by physical or mental abilities, that is why it is not always necessary that you find a course that is suitable to you with all aspects. But our 200 hour yoga alliance teacher training in India, is designed to ensure that it stands out as the best platform for the beginners’ level as well as intermediary learners. This yoga course incorporates both introductory and intermediate best practices making sure that learners of different levels could come and attend this course smoothly.

When you dedicate your crucial time to 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, it is our responsibility to meet your needs with the best learning environment, instructors, and amenities. If you are searching for the Best Yoga School in India, your search ends at Rishikul Yogshala. We offer a comprehensive curriculum, cultural insights, picturesque views, and the authentic cuisine of Kerala(India), making it your one-stop solution for both classical learning and cultural exploration.

Explore Yoga's Core in 200 Hours

Curriculum of 200 Hour YTTC

Techniques, Training, and Practice

Minimum Contact Hours:75 hours

Minimum Contact Hours w/ Lead Trainer(s):50 hours

This category forms the foundation of your training, focusing on the practical aspects of yoga techniques. You'll receive analytical training and guided practice to deepen your understanding and teaching ability.

Topics include:

  • Asanas: Learning and practising key poses across various categories.
  • Pranayamas: Techniques for breath control and regulation.
  • Kriyas: Purification practices for body and mind.
  • Chanting and Mantra: Exploring the power of sound in yoga.
  • Meditation: Techniques for mindfulness and concentration.
Teaching Methodology

Minimum Contact Hours:7.5 hours

Minimum Contact Hours w/ Lead Trainer(s):5 hours

This category focuses on the art and science of teaching yoga. You'll develop essential skills for effective communication, class management, and understanding student needs.

Topics include:

  • Group dynamics and communication skills.
  • Addressing individual needs in a group setting.
  • Principles of demonstration, observation, and correction.
  • Teaching styles and qualities of a good teacher.
  • Understanding the business aspects of teaching yoga.
Anatomy and Physiology

Minimum Contact Hours:10 hours

Minimum Contact Hours w/ Lead Trainer(s):0 hours

In this category, you'll delve into the physical and energetic aspects of the human body as they relate to yoga practice.

Topics include:

  • Human physical anatomy and bodily systems.
  • Energy anatomy, including chakras and nadis.
  • Applying anatomy to yoga practice, including benefits and contraindications.
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle, and Ethics for Yoga Teachers

Minimum Contact Hours:20 hours

Minimum Contact Hours w/ Lead Trainer(s):0 hours

This category explores yoga's philosophical and ethical foundations, guiding you towards a holistic understanding of yoga beyond the physical practice.

Topics include:

  • Study of yoga philosophies and traditional texts.
  • Yoga lifestyle and ethical principles (e.g., ahimsa, dharma, karma).
  • Ethics for yoga teachers and maintaining professional boundaries.
  • Service through yoga (seva) and being of benefit to others.

Minimum Contact Hours:5 hours

Minimum Contact Hours w/ Lead Trainer(s):5 hours

This hands-on category allows you to put theory into practice by teaching under supervision and receiving feedback.

Topics include:

  • Practice teaching as the lead instructor.
  • Giving and receiving feedback on teaching.
  • Observing and assisting during yoga classes.
  • Remaining Contact Hours and Elective Hours
Contact Hours vs. Non-Contact Hours

Contact Hours involve physical presence with faculty and advance trainees' education, while Non-Contact Hours are learning without faculty present.

Non-contact hours must align with the educational categories and can include:

  • Assigned readings, videos, or online resources.
  • Webinars and written assignments.
  • Group activities and outside yoga class evaluations.
  • We are committed to providing a comprehensive and enriching yoga teacher training experience. Our syllabus ensures a well-rounded education in yoga philosophy, techniques, teaching methodology, anatomy, and practical teaching experience. Prepare to start a transformative journey towards becoming a certified yoga instructor!

Welcome to our Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School (RYS) 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course! Our curriculum is meticulously designed to meet the standards set by Yoga Alliance, ensuring that you receive comprehensive and high-quality training to become a skilled and confident yoga teacher. Below is a detailed syllabus outlining the educational categories, minimum contact hours, and specific topics covered in each category.

RYT 200 Syllabus

Detailed Syllabus of the 200 Hour YTTC

Classical & Traditional Practice of Hatha Yoga

Topics include:

  • What is Hatha yoga? And its various sequence style of practice
  • Surya & Chandra Namaskar & Its mantra awareness Practices
  • Six steps of doing Asana consciously
  • Joints and Gland as Preparatory Practice
  • Deep study of Classical Hatha yoga with adjustments and alignments
  • Core understanding of Practice of Kundalini yoga.
  • Practical idea of Iyengar Yoga and its tools of implementations
  • Standing series of asana methods
  • Kneeling series of asana Methods
  • Sitting series of asana
  • Lying on stomach series of Asana
  • Supine series of asana
  • Inversion series of asana
  • Asana benefits and its contra-indications
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga – Primary series- structure and sequential Methods

Topics include:

  • Understanding the idea of Mysore Ashtanga Practices Vs Krishnamacharya’s Ashtanga Practices
  • Idea of teaching ashtanga Yoga sequence
  • Four modules of Ashtanga Yoga
  • What is vinyasa?
  • How many Bandhas are there in ashtanga?
  • Importance of Ujjayi practice
  • Its benefits and side effects
Pranayama & its cleansing and expansions

Topics include:

  • Chest breathing v/s diaphragmatic breathing
  • What are Prana and Pranayama mean?
  • Types of Pranayama practice
  • What is Nadi?
  • What are Ida, Pingala and Sushmana?
  • Seven main practices of Pranayama
  • Four qualities of yogic breathing
  • 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 breathing for emotional purification
  • Psychological effect of yogic breathing
  • Stress and stress less related breathing techniques
Mudra and its sparks

Minimum Contact Hours:20 hours

Topics include:

  • Yogic Gesture for stress related problems
  • Internal mudras
  • Healing Gestures for physical blockages
  • Pranic gestures for awakening energy
  • Importance of Mudra according to Hatha Yoga
  • Types of Mudra
  • Practicum of Gyana & Chin Mudra
  • Practicum of Ashwini Mudra
  • Physical, Mental and Spiritual Benefits of Mudra
Mantra & its Vibrations

Topics include:

  • Introduction of Mantra yoga
  • Significance of (OM)-AUM
  • Mantra for Meal Purification
  • Mantra for Obstacles
  • Mantra for universal masters to bless
  • Mantra for Realization
  • Mantra for well being
Meditation & its transformations

Topics include:

  • Breath awareness meditation
  • Inner light meditation
  • Chakra awareness meditation
  • Body less meditation
  • Mantra Awareness meditation
  • Walking meditation
  • Full moon meditation
  • Third eye meditation
Yoga Nidra & its Deep Silence

Topics include:

  • What is Yoga Nidra?
  • What is sleep?
  • Four states of consciousness
  • Benefits of deep sleep
  • Yoga Nidra practices from Himalayan tradition
  • How Yoga Nidra practices cure insomnia problem
  • Adjusting in Shavansana
Adjustment & Alignment Practices

Topics include:

  • The fundamentals of practicing side extension, forward extension, backwards extension and revolving action
  • How to correct postures verbally and by hands on adjustments
  • Modifying the asana with different tools
  • Various limitation, contra-indications and benefits of yoga asana
  • Workshop on hip opening
  • Workshop on back bending
  • Workshop on forward bending
  • Workshop in twisting postures
Teaching methodology & its confidence

Topics include:

  • Disciplines of yoga teachers and students
  • How important to ensure the safety of student while teaching
  • Understanding the idea of demand of student before start the class
  • The scope of listening, presence, directive and non-directive dialogue
  • How important is demonstration
  • What are the preparations for classroom
  • How to sequence the class
  • How to describe the practice, techniques, and delivery in teaching a class
  • Discussion on different types of lesson planning
Adjustment & Alignment Practices

Topics include:

  • The fundamentals of practicing side extension, forward extension, backwards extension and revolving action
  • How to correct postures verbally and by hands on adjustments
  • Modifying the asana with different tools
  • Various limitation, contra-indications and benefits of yoga asana
  • Workshop on hip opening
  • Workshop on back bending
  • Workshop on forward bending
  • Workshop in twisting postures
Teaching methodology & its confidence

Topics include:

  • Disciplines of yoga teachers and students
  • How important to ensure the safety of student while teaching
  • Understanding the idea of demand of student before start the class
  • The scope of listening, presence, directive and non-directive dialogue
  • How important is demonstration
  • What are the preparations for classroom
  • How to sequence the class
  • How to describe the practice, techniques, and delivery in teaching a class
  • Discussion on different types of lesson planning
Yoga philosophy & it’s unknown realities

Topics include:

  • History and origin of yoga
  • Why do we have disturbed mind, distracted mind, and stupefied mind in yogic science?
  • What is yoga?
  • What is celibacy and sex in yogic science?
  • Why do we suffer?
  • What is Ashtanga Yoga?( eight limbs of yoga)
  • What caused us to get disease?
  • What is Raja Yoga?
  • How to bend body to bend mind?
  • What is ignorance?
  • Three states of consciousness in yogic science
  • What is mind?
  • Four foundational pillars of life
  • Four faculties of mind field in yogic science
  • What does practice mean in yogic science?
  • Five layers of body in yogic science
  • What does Ekagrah mean?
  • What is knowledge and wisdom in yoga?
  • What is kundalini?
  • What is karma?
  • What is chakra?
  • What does Nirodhah mean in yoga?
  • What is Fear and Love in yogic science?
  • What is enlightenment and liberation in yoga?
Yoga anatomy & its safety and precautions

Topics include:

  • What is Yogic Anatomy and physiology?
  • Introduction of the respiratory system and yogic breathing
  • How do shat kriya practices give benefits to the body?
  • How Pranayama practices give connection to a digestive and immune system?
  • How asana practices give various effects on joints, spine and muscular system?
  • The structure of the spine and its movement in yoga
  • Types of contraction in the muscular system
  • Know the basic studies and types of joints to avoid injury during Asana classes
  • Studies and discussion about spine according to a yogic point of view
Yoga For Health

Topics include:

  • Yogic counselling for a healthy life.
  • Yogic techniques to use in daily lifestyle.
  • Yoga cures common diseases like Headaches, migraines, colds, sinus, etc.
  • Yoga tools for back issues like backache, slipped disk, sciatica, diabetes, thyroid, spinal deformities, obesity, etc.
Evaluation & Certification

Topics include:

  • Performance during the course
  • Attendance
  • Practical asana demonstration test
  • Written test (Objective and subjective type)
  • Behaviour
Holistic Wellness

Our Daily Schedule for the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala has a thorough schedule that provides a well-rounded and immersive yoga training experience.

Here is what a regular day in 200 Hour YTT at Rishikul Yogshala looks like.

  • 05:00 AM - 05:30 AMMorning Tea
  • 05:30 AM - 07:15 AMHatha Yoga
  • 07:30 AM - 09:00 AMPranayama And Meditation
  • 09:00 AM - 09:45 AMBreakfast
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AMYoga Philosophy
  • 11:15 AM - 12:15 PMYoga Practicum
  • 13:15 PM - 14:00 PMLunch
  • 15:15 PM - 16:15 PMYoga Anatomy
  • 16:30 PM - 18:00 PMAshtanga Yoga
  • 18:15 PM - 19:00 PMYoga Nidra
  • 19:00 PM - 19:30 PMDinner
  • Beach view iconBeautiful beach views/Lake Views
  • Wifi IconFree Internet Services
  • Bathtub IconHot and cold water showers available 24x7
  • Transfer facility IconTaxi pick & drop from nearby Airports And Railway Station
  • Excursion IconTours to local attractions

Enjoy Kerala's Beauty And Enrich Your Yoga Journey At Rishikul Yogshala!

200 Hour Training Program

Course Duration & Fee

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (23 Days Program)
Start-Date End-Date Triple Sharing (USD) Twin Sharing (USD) Private Room (USD) Apply
Seats: 15 left
7 March 2025
30 March 2025 Not Available $ 1250 $ 1550
Seats: 16 left
7 April 2025
30 April 2025 Not Available $ 1250 $ 1550
7 August 2025 30 August 2025 $ 1000 $ 1300 $ 1600
7 September 2025 30 September 2025 $ 1000 $ 1300 $ 1600
7 October 2025 30 October 2025 $ 1000 $ 1300 $ 1600
7 November 2025 30 November 2025 $ 1000 $ 1300 $ 1600
7 December 2025 30 December 2025 $ 1000 $ 1300 $ 1600
7 January 2026 30 January 2026 $ 1000 $ 1300 $ 1600
7 February 2026 30 February 2026 $ 1000 $ 1300 $ 1600
7 March 2026 30 March 2026 $ 1000 $ 1300 $ 1600
  • Calendar IconStart-Date 7 March 2025
  • Calendar IconEnd-Date 30 March 2025
  • Bed IconTriple SharingNot Available
  • Bed IconTwin Sharing$ 1250
  • Bed IconPrivate Room $ 1550
  • People Group IconSeats15 left
23 Days Program
  • Calendar IconStart-Date 7 April 2025
  • Calendar IconEnd-Date 30 April 2025
  • Bed IconTriple SharingNot Available
  • Bed IconTwin Sharing $ 1250
  • Bed IconPrivate Room $ 1550
  • People Group IconSeats16 left
23 Days Program
  • Calendar IconStart-Date 7 August 2025
  • Calendar IconEnd-Date 30 August 2025
  • Bed IconTriple Sharing$ 1000
  • Bed IconTwin Sharing$ 1300
  • Bed IconPrivate Room $ 1600
23 Days Program
  • Calendar IconStart-Date 7 September 2025
  • Calendar IconEnd-Date 30 September 2025
  • Bed IconTriple Sharing$ 1000
  • Bed IconTwin Sharing$ 1300
  • Bed IconPrivate Room $ 1600
23 Days Program
  • Calendar IconStart-Date 7 October 2025
  • Calendar IconEnd-Date 30 October 2025
  • Bed IconTriple Sharing$ 1000
  • Bed IconTwin Sharing$ 1300
  • Bed IconPrivate Room $ 1600
23 Days Program
  • Calendar IconStart-Date 7 November 2025
  • Calendar IconEnd-Date 30 November 2025
  • Bed IconTriple Sharing$ 1000
  • Bed IconTwin Sharing$ 1300
  • Bed IconPrivate Room $ 1600
23 Days Program
  • Calendar IconStart-Date 7 December 2025
  • Calendar IconEnd-Date 30 December 2025
  • Bed IconTriple Sharing$ 1000
  • Bed IconTwin Sharing$ 1300
  • Bed IconPrivate Room $ 1600
23 Days Program
  • Calendar IconStart-Date 7 January 2025
  • Calendar IconEnd-Date 30 January 2025
  • Bed IconTriple Sharing$ 1000
  • Bed IconTwin Sharing$ 1300
  • Bed IconPrivate Room $ 1600
23 Days Program
  • Calendar IconStart-Date 7 February 2025
  • Calendar IconEnd-Date 2 March 2025
  • Bed IconTriple Sharing$ 1000
  • Bed IconTwin Sharing$ 1300
  • Bed IconPrivate Room $ 1600
23 Days Program
  • Calendar IconStart-Date 7 March 2025
  • Calendar IconEnd-Date 30 March 2025
  • Bed IconTriple Sharing$ 1000
  • Bed IconTwin Sharing$ 1300
  • Bed IconPrivate Room $ 1600
23 Days Program
Programe Detail:

1. Arrival and Opening Ceremony:

  • Arrival on the 7th is flexible; you can arrive at any time.
  • The opening ceremony will be held at 4:30 pm.

2. Certificate Distribution & Departure:

  • Certificates will be distributed on the 30th.
  • Departure is scheduled after breakfast on the same day.

3. If you'd like to arrive early or extend your stay

  • No problem! There's an option available for that. You'll just need to pay a little extra per day.
  • This includes accommodation at $24 USD and food at $ 10 USD (3 Meals a Day) per day.

4. Taxi from Airport to Yogshala

  • $30 USD within Thiruvananthapuram (TRV)
  • $95 USD from Cochin

Note: If you require access to air conditioning (AC) during the 200-hour course, an additional fee of $200 will apply. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Accommodation & Food

Accommodation and Food During Yoga Teacher Training

Rishikul Yogshala varkala front view, surrounded by palm trees and a grassy lawn. A staircase leads to an upper balcony Private Room of Rishiul Yogshala for 200 hours yoga teacher training

Immerse yourself in the picturesque coastal charm of Varkala during your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) at Rishikul Yogshala. Nestled amidst stunning cliffs overlooking the Arabian Sea, Varkala offers a serene backdrop for your yoga journey. Our accommodation in Varkala is designed to blend tranquility with comfort, offering private rooms and shared spaces tailored to enhance your overall experience.

more details

Indulge in a culinary journey that complements your yoga experience at Rishikul Yogshala in Varkala. Our meals are thoughtfully crafted with fresh, locally sourced ingredients to nourish your body and soul. From wholesome breakfasts to flavorful lunches and dinners, each dish is prepared with care to support your wellness goals during your 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC).

more details
Food For 200 Hour YTTC At Rishikul Yogshala Kerala Food For 200 Hour YTTC At Rishikul Yogshala Kerala

Eligibility Criteria for the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

The eligibility criteria for the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala typically include:

Age: Participants should generally be 18 years old to enroll. The age limit is 70.

Health and Fitness: Participation at Rishikul Yogshala requires a reasonable level of physical fitness and good health. People with health conditions like mild asthma, controlled hypertension, and minor musculoskeletal issues can apply.

Yoga Experience: While prior yoga experience is not mandatory, it is beneficial to be somewhat familiar with yoga practice and its basic postures.

Commitment and Attitude: A sincere commitment to learning and embracing the yogic lifestyle is essential. A positive attitude and an open mind for self-discovery are highly encouraged.

Language Proficiency: Many programs are conducted in English, so a basic understanding of English may be required for effective communication and comprehension.

 Group of yoga teacher training students at rishikul yogshala wearing garlands & holding certificates with a decorated elephant
Experienced Yoga Teachers of Rishikul Yogshala

Learn from the Best - Our Team of Yoga Teachers in India

We have a team of in-house Best Yoga Teachers in India. This ensures total coverage of the concepts of the ancient art of yoga and complete learning. This will help students absorb the techniques and their purposes effectively and learn them in the best possible way.

Helping aspiring and experienced Yoga Instructors to tap into their true potential and spread the wisdom to the rest of the world is what drives us at the core of our mission. This is why we assign 3 to 4 experienced yoga instructors to each Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC). This team ensures a comprehensive and integrated platform for enrolled students, enabling them to imbibe their purpose within themselves.

In addition, our team has a lead trainer with an E-RYT designation and a few thousand hours of on-the-ground experience. Their presence helps in the overall involvement of the team in elevating the culture and impromptu guidance for everyone.

Please visit our Yoga Teachers page for more information.

Yoga Teachers
Enquire Now at Rishikul Yogshala to enhance your yoga journey and connect with the beauty of nature!


  • Private and shared accommodation during the program
  • 3 Sattvic vegetarian meals with herbal tea daily
  • Yoga materials and props
  • Tours to local attractions and refreshing activities
  • 200 Hour YTT course certification


  • Travel costs to and from the yoga institute
  • Personal expenses such as laundry, telephone, and extra meals
  • Optional additional activities or trips not mentioned in the program
  • Extra stay beyond course dates
Enquire Now at Rishikul Yogshala to enhance your yoga journey and connect with the beauty of nature!
Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training?

Choosing the best yoga school is crucial for a successful and enriching yoga teacher training experience. Here are some reasons why Rishikul Yogshala is the perfect choice for your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala.
Global Students Trust Our Comprehensive Yoga Course

We have students from over 60 countries, coming every year to learn this multistyle yoga course. Students trust us to be the best choice to start their yogic journey since we provide a platform that serves all the levels of learners by including untypical sessions on adjustment and alignments, yogic counselling, and social skills.

Learn with decade’s old teachers

We have a team of highly skilled and experienced yoga instructors who are deeply committed to the growth and development of each student coming. They provide personalised guidance and create a supportive learning environment to ensure you receive the best education in multi-style yoga.

Different Styles of Yoga

We have a systematic curriculum recognised by the Yoga Alliance that enables you to deepen your practice and explore your inner self with various styles of yoga such as Hatha style, Ashtanga style, vinyasa flow, kundalini yoga, baandh, and more.

Perfect Environment For Practice

Rishikul Yogshala is in the calm and beautiful city of Kerala, perfect for immersing in yoga, meditation, and self-reflection between the nature Yoga has been practised from 1000 of years in Kerala, and that’s why the vibrations and energy is so pure and powerful. The spiritual environment, inside nature with beautiful beaches make it an ideal location to study and practice dhyana and kriya.

Ashtanga Yoga
  • Among the great benefits of Ashtanga Yoga are flexibility and strength, stress management techniques, and inner calmness. Emerged by the renowned K. Pattabhi Jois, this dynamic and structured style of yoga emphasises disciplined practice.
  • Ashtanga Yoga is strongly founded on the eight limbs presented in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. This sutra is composed of postures, concentration, meditation, and ethical and moral guides through yamas and niyamas. This approach creates a balance between physical fitness, mental clarity, and emotional stability, making it quite efficient.
  • The practice usually begins with five repetitions of Surya Namaskar A and B, followed by a standing sequence. Ashtanga Yoga requires such depth of commitment and focus that it rewards them greatly. The powerful flowing movements of the Ashtanga style work to purify both body and mind and lead to an unmatched sense of well-being.
Vinyasa Flow Yoga
  • Vinyasa is a Sanskrit word that means "Variations within prescribed parameters. "It is the dynamic approach to yoga, emphasizing the integration of breath with movement. This style of yoga offers a bridge between the actions we take and experience on a daily basis and more meaningful, deeper dimensions of life.
  • Vinyasa, or Flow Yoga, incorporates much of what one is familiar with in terms of postures but changes the sequences so that every class is uniquely different. It's a fluidity to the practice that brings breath into movement in such a flowing way while at the same time creating strength and endurance with mindfulness.
  • The other prominent benefit of Vinyasa Flow is that no two classes ever repeat—this way, practitioners will be able to pose a continuous challenge to their practice. The style also prevents repetitive injuries through balanced development and awareness in the body. For an invigoration of the practice and for a life rich in experiences, choose Vinyasa Flow Yoga.
Rishikul Yogshala

Style of Yoga

The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training offered by Rishikul Yogshala combines traditional and modern yoga. The program is comprehensive so that the learning is well-rounded, taking on board Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, the philosophy of Yin Yoga, and other important yogic practices. Such a diverse approach includes well-developed physical practice, mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual awareness.

Hatha Yoga: Developing Discipline and Harmony

Hatha Yoga forms the core of our training course, in which the students are trained in physical asanas, pranayama, and meditation.

Hatha is the union of Ha-the sun and Tha-the, which teaches one to develop unison from within and without.

  • Students get to learn simple poses with correct performance.
  • Asanas are practised for more extended periods, developing stamina and concentration.
  • The practice includes training in proper respiration, improving lung capacity and mindfulness.

Hatha Yoga is such a disciplined practice; it allows students to gain balance, strength and flexibility, thereby preparing them for a more profound yogic journey.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga: Moving with Breath and Movement

Another essential component of the 200-hour training is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, which is a flowing but structured style.

  • The practice style focuses on a series of postures linked together by breathing, giving the person a sense of unbroken flow movement.
  • The Primary Series, also known as Yoga Chikitsa or Yoga Therapy, targets detoxification in the body and also builds inner strength.
  • Coordination of breath and movement will lead to increased stamina, concentration, and purification.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a great practice for any student looking for an intense physical practice that builds strength both for body and mind.

Yin Yoga: Finding Stillness and Inner Insight

In addition to the dynamic styles, students learn Yin Yoga. The meditative practice consists of holding passive postures for longer periods of time in order to target the deeper connective tissues.

  • Yin Yoga enhances joint mobility and builds up emotional resilience by encouraging one to relax.
  • It helps cultivate self-awareness and patience, which balances the yang energy of more vigorous practices.
Integrated Approach: A Holistic Transformation

At Rishikul Yogshala, we believe each style of yoga has its own value: the steady practice of Hatha, the vigour of Ashtanga, and the introspection of Yin make all our students holistic. This integrated approach will empower the participant to develop his or her teaching style as well as deepen his or her practice, guiding others with confidence and compassion.

Students of Rishikul Yogshala Holding their 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificates

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification Courses In India

Upon successfully completing our 200 Hour Yoga Course in India, students can apply with the yoga alliance or any prevailing yoga federation in your country. This certificate confirms that students have fulfilled the required training hours and the program's learning objectives.

For your knowledge, after the completion of a 200 Hour yoga course from an RYS 200 Yoga School (Registered Yoga School who have attained the permission from yoga alliance after completing the necessary documentations), you become qualified to register yourself with the Yoga Alliance, USA for a designation of RYT 200 ( Registered Yoga teacher at 200 Hours Level).

For students who want to progress in the field and upgrade their level, they need to complete the next 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training to apply for a certification as RYT 500 Hours with Yoga Alliance.

All You Need to Know - 200 Hour YTTC

FAQs About the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Student Doing Asana at Rishikul Yogshala
What are the requirements for enrolling in the 200-hour yoga teacher training in Kerala?

The 200-hour yoga teacher training is open to anyone, regardless of their prior experience. Indeed, you don't need to have any prior yoga background at all to join our program. The only requirement is that you are interested in becoming closer to your own yoga practice and in listening to the basic teachings of yoga. Of course, prior experience with yoga will certainly allow you to grasp the material presented during the program, but it is not required.

What would I learn in 200 hour yoga teaching in Kerala?

The 200-hour comprehensive course includes traditional Hatha and Ashtanga yoga, pranayama and meditation, yoga philosophy, anatomy, and alignment besides teaching methodology. Students are fully prepared to lead classes by the end of this course.

Does the 200-hour certification meet Yoga Alliance standards?

Yes, you will receive a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training certificate with Yoga Alliance, which after successful completion of this training will support getting registered as RYT-200 with Yoga Alliance to teach yoga anywhere in the world.

What kind of accommodation and meals will you provide during this training?

Rishikul Yogshala provides comfortable accommodation during training in Kerala. You will share neat, basic rooms, so you are assured of a clean place to stay. Meals will be vegetarian, prepared with respect to yogic principles, supporting healthy living throughout your training.

What is 200 hours yoga teacher training?

A yoga teacher training course of 200 hours accredited by the Yoga Alliance allows candidates to learn and teach yoga philosophy, breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, postures, and teaching methodology.

The course has a duration of 4 to 6 weeks. Moreover, it follows the Yoga Alliance’s guidelines that make sure each enrolled students graduate with the privilege to register as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200).

Can a beginner do 200 hours yoga teacher training course?

A 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) covers everything foundational to yoga, including elementary yoga poses, teaching methodology, anatomy, meditation, and breathing techniques.

The above, when coupled with consistent practice and guidance from experienced instructors, can help beginners build the skills and confidence required to become certified yoga teachers.

How do I prepare for a 200-hour yoga teacher training?

To prepare for a 200-hour yoga teacher training (YTT), follow these steps:

  • Establish a Regular Practice: Attend yoga classes regularly to build a strong foundation in asanas (postures) and breathing techniques.
  • Study Basic Yoga Philosophy: Familiarise yourself with yoga philosophy, including texts like the Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita, and learn basic concepts like the Eight Limbs of Yoga.
  • Practice Meditation and Pranayama: Incorporate meditation and breathing exercises (pranayama) into your routine to develop focus and breath control.
  • Build Physical Endurance: Prepare your body by engaging in yoga sequences that enhance strength, flexibility, and endurance.
  • Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle: Prioritise a balanced diet, proper hydration, and sufficient sleep to support your training.
  • Know What to Expect: Research your YTT course structure, syllabus, and daily schedule to get a sense of what lies ahead.
  • Invest in Essential Gear: Ensure you have the right gear, like a yoga mat, comfortable clothes, and a water bottle.
  • Set an Intention: Reflect on your goals for the training to stay motivated throughout the course.

These steps will help you feel confident and prepared for your 200-hour YTT journey.

Download our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course brochure to learn more about the program.

Rishikul Yogshala

Best Tourist Places To Visit In Kerala

Munnar, Kerala Munnar

Munnar is like a green paradise surrounded by tall hills. It's a perfect place if you love nature. You can see vast tea gardens and hills that look like waves and enjoy the chill of cool weather. You can walk in the tea gardens, see animals in Eravikulam National Park, and even go for a boat ride on Kundala Lake.

Alleppey is a unique tourist place in Kerala, which is known for its waterways and special boats called houseboats. You can take a peaceful ride on boats through calm canals with lots of palm trees. You will also have the opportunity to taste delicious local food and watch the sunsets here; they're really pretty.

Alleppey Kerala Alleppey
Kovalam, Kerala Kovalam

Kovalam has lovely golden beaches and clear blue water. It's a great place to relax in the sun or try fun water sports. And if you want to feel healthy, you can try Ayurvedic treatments, which are good for your body and mind.

Fort Kochi is an old town with buildings from different parts of the world. It's like stepping back in time. You can see big nets used for fishing, which came from China long ago. Also, you'll find lots of art and performances happening here.

Fort Kochi , Kerala Fort Kochi
Thekkady , Kerala Thekkady

Thekkady is where you can see wild animals and thick forests. Imagine going on a boat in a lake where you can spot elephants, tigers, and other animals. It's like an adventure! You can also take a walk through spice gardens and learn about different spices.

Wayanad is a place with lots of green forests, waterfalls, and places to see animals. You can explore caves with ancient carvings, hike to tall mountains, and relax near a calm lake called Pookode Lake.

Wayanad Wayanad
Trivandrum Trivandrum

Trivandrum is the capital city of Kerala, and it's full of culture and history. There's a grand temple called Padmanabhaswamy Temple, and you can visit museums like Napier Museum. Walking in the city streets is also a nice way to experience Kerala's culture.

Kappil beach is a peaceful spot by the Arabian Sea. The sound of waves and golden sand make it perfect for relaxing. You can walk along the beach and enjoy beautiful sunsets.

kappil beach Kappil beach

Traveling to India for Teacher Training

Many of the students celebrate with the chance to learn yoga at its source, and for good reason! India is truly an incredible place, and being able to practice with native gatekeepers of yoga in its birthplace is truly magical. Whilst many first-time travellers to India and Asia can feel a little uncertain about taking a trip alone to a foreign country, it is worthwhile remembering that we are located in an extremely safe, small and local beach village.

India, on the whole, is a very safe travel destination, and Kerala is particularly safe for tourists. For decades, the local community have accommodated Western tourists, and they maintain a respectful and peaceful association with their guests. The economy thrives on returning visitors, and the local community ensure that this return business is protected through care and respect shown to those coming to visit.

We have an impeccable safety record for our students here at Rishikul Yogshala and ensure to continue that way through:

  • 24-hour on-site security
  • guest pre-registration for anyone who is a non-staff member or student
  • safety lockers in our office for any valuables students may have.

It is a peaceful and safe, wonderful place to relax completely. We also assist people in travelling safely and soundly to our centre from the airport with taxi drivers personally known to us and hailing only from our village. We understand that visiting any place in this world with the present climatic condition could make one a little anxious, and we are more than willing to cooperate with you from the acceptance of your application till you are back home so that you will be made to feel secure and safe for your entire period. Most travellers come to India and feel so at home that they never want to leave. It is a beautiful country, with all the vistas, people, and cultures so friendly and rich in experience, and it's great to be able to share in this effort to help assist students in making that once-in-a-lifetime journey here.

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